Harmonic Calculator

Apex Active Filter

For 600V and above applications, a step-down transformer is required. Please contact HubbellPQS@hubbell.com

How is the electrical system fed?
4W or 3W connection:

Systems where neutral wire exists can be selected as 4W. 4W connection is needed only when neutral wire currents (harmonics 3rd, 9th, 15th etc.) need to be compensated (3W by default).

Capacitor bank:

If the installation site is at an altitude higher than 1000 m above sea level, please choose the the elevation from the drop-down list. If the elevation is above 3000 m, please make an inquiry to our sales directly.

Please select the desired compensation level:
Do you have existing PQS APEX Active Harmonic Filters?
Do you want to compensate reactive power with active filters?
Do you have power quality measurements?
Choose from example VSDs or enter the amount of the load only with a typical spectrum?
Do you want to calculate required compensation automatically or select active harmonic filters manually

Harmonic Calculator Report