The M‑2355B is an adapter panel which, when combined with the M‑2001 Series Digital Tapchanger Control, provides convenient direct replacement for Cooper (formerly McGraw‑Edison).
For use with single phase regulator controls: CL-1, CL-2, CL-2A, CL-4A, CL-4B, CL-4C, CL-5, CL-6, CL-7
The M‑2355B consists of a front door panel with hinge leaves on the right side. It mounts into the control cabinet using the same two hinge pins, which must be saved from the original control.
Connects easily to the M‑2001 Series Digital Tapchanger Control using mounting screws and 24‑pin connector
Fits directly into existing regulator control cabinet using the same two hinge pins
Provides built‑in CT shorting protection when the M‑2001 Series Digital Tapchanger Control is removed
Optional SCADA Cutout (LOCAL/REMOTE) switch (for use with SCADA enabled M‑2001C controls) allows Local Blocking of SCADA commands