GAI-Tronics IP controller is a PoE powered alarm generator and SIP telephone interface designed to operate with Multicast devices such as GAI-Tronics SP2 IP PageParty® equipment, Hubbcom and third-party Multicast audio equipment such as loudspeakers. Each controller offers up to two hundred and fifty-six (256) inputs and outputs (I/O). These inputs and outputs can be selected from a combination of eight (8) local dry contact inputs and eight open collector outputs, Modbus over IP (256) and/or GAI-Tronics IP I/O devices.Audio connection of up to eight (8) Multicast broadcasts in and sixteen (16) Multicast broadcasts out are in addition to a SIP telephone line input, local 600Ω audio input and 600Ω audio output (each with a dedicated operation contact), and up to sixteen (16) IP access panels (IPAP). Audio segments containing either alarm tones and or pre-recorded voice messages may be added to the device’s audio library.The IP controller’s intuitive programming GUI Console enables the user to program and route inputs, outputs, and audio to create prioritized event driven paging and alarm activation across an IP Public Address & General Alarm (PAGA) system.