Image of HBSPCG HUBBUS Single Port Channel Generator
Image of HBSPCG HUBBUS Single Port Channel Generator

HUBBUS Single Port Channel Generator



Catalog ID:


The HubBus Channel Generator is the backbone of the HubBus distributed I/O network. Its strength is not only in the number of devices and distance covered but in the robustness of the underlying network technology that overcomes the harsh environments that the network is expected to operate in. This includes noise from variable frequency drives and large switching transients. The Single Port Channel Generator Type HBSPCG is a self-contained DIN rail mounted unit. It provides for 64 through to 2048 channels, in 64 channel increments. Each channel can be used for digital or analogue data, in addition channels may be grouped for increased response rate for analogue data transmission. Signalling and power are provided for a minimum of 320 field devices or transmitters for network lengths of at least 16km on unscreened twisted pair cable. Features include line fault monitoring including short circuit and over current protection with automatic recovery, dual inbound signal detection and configurable bandwidth. Any of the HBSPCG parameters can be conveniently configured using the battery powered handheld HubBus Universal Programmer and Tester Type HHP1-H.

HUBBUS Single Port Channel Generator

  • IEC61508 Certified by TÜV
  • Pluggable connectors (screw/spring cage option with horizontal/vertical wire entry)
  • Up to 2048 addressable channels
  • Over 320 line powered devices
  • Networks of over 16km