Assisted Living Electrical Solutions

Well-designed, reliable products for a safe, clean and comfortable environment that offers peace of mind.

When it comes to Assisted Living or long-term care facilities, Hubbell Canada offers reliable quality products that provide comfort, security, cleanliness, and energy saving solutions for all types of dwellings.

Reliability is crucial as many residents of Assisted Living facilities depend on medical equipment powered by electricity.

We manufacture a wide range of unique products that increase the residents’ living experience and comfort while being conscientious of energy consumption and reducing operating costs.


Whether you are building a new facility or upgrading an existing one, our “One Hubbell” approach provides you with a single source for your Assisted Living electrical needs. With a vast portfolio of reputable and reliable electrical products, we can support you in any project from start to finish.


Take a look at our other market pages for more products that may be relevant to your application or facility.