FD2 Diesel Engine Controllers
FD2 Diesel Engine Controllers

FD2 Diesel Engine Controllers



The Metron/Metron-Eledyne Series FD2 Fire Pump Controller for engine driven fire pumps are designed to automatically start the engine upon a drop in pressure in the water supply, or from a number of other demand signals. The controller provides automatic cycled cranking and alarm protection for various engine failures when running. The engine may be stopped after the demand period is terminated either manually or auotmatically. Several optional features are available which may be required by the local authority having jurisdiction. These options are described further in this bulletin. Metron/Metron-Eledyne is a world leader in the manufacture of automatic control equipment for all types of engine applications. Our policy has always been to stress dependable operation in field use because of the inherent vital nature of these installations.These controllers are for use with all approved types of engine driven fire pumps. Manufactured in accordance with the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association, Pamphlet 20, they are designed and constructed to provide the highest measure of reliability.