FD4 Microprocessor Diesel Engine Driven Fire Pump Controller - Obsolete
Image of  FD4 Microprocessor Diesel Engine Driven Fire Pump Controller - Obsolete
Image of  FD4 Microprocessor Diesel Engine Driven Fire Pump Controller - Obsolete
Image of  FD4 Microprocessor Diesel Engine Driven Fire Pump Controller - Obsolete

FD4 Microprocessor Diesel Engine Driven Fire Pump Controller - Obsolete



Obsolete. The Metron/Metron-Eledyne Series FD4 Fire Pump Controller for engine driven fire pumps are designed to automatically start the engine upon a drop in pressure in the water supply, or from a number of other demand signals. The controller's logic is based on discrete components using the latest technology with high quality, highly reliable printed circuit board (PCB) and PCB mounted relays. The controller uses a microprocessor to control automatic engine operation, alternation between batteries during cranking. It also monitors and records system alarms and pressure, battery voltage and engine functions. This controller is suitable for all engine types with either 'energized to run' or 'energize to stop' fuel solenoids. Metron/Metron-Eledyne is a world leader in the manufacture of automatic control equipment for all types of engine applications. Our policy has always been to stress dependable operation in field use because of the inherent vital nature of these installations. These controllers are for use with all approved types of engine driven fire pumps. Manufactured in accordance with the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association, Pamphlet 20, they are designed and constructed to provide the highest measure of reliability.

  • The controller includes two 10 Amp battery chargers that aretemperature compensated and includes integral LED’s forindication of charge AC Failure, and Battery Power On.
  • Two outer door mounted manual crank pushbuttons and twobattery on/off switches located on the interior back panel.
  • Outer door mounted AUTO, OFF, MANUAL selector switchwith mode condition illuminated on OID with colored LED’s.
  • Operator Interface Device (OlD) with 4 lines by 20 characterdisplay with large character backlit LCD capable of beingread in both direct sunlight or dark lighting conditions. Englishor Spanish languages are standard and selectable throughthe OlD. Additional languages available upon request.
  • The OlD includes 12 pushbuttons for easy screen navigation,system mode changes, alarm reset, horn silencing, and lamptest.
  • The built in annunciator includes multicolored LED’s foralarm and mode indications. The annunciation LED’s haveremovable labels that allow the user to easily make changes,if additional alarms and/or language changes are needed.
  • All controller settings are programmable through the OlD.Programming changes are protected by two levels ofpasswords to prevent unauthorized modification.