M-2948 Tap Position Sensor directly mechanically replaces the Selsyn-Type Tap Position Sensor.
Directly interfaces with a 4 to 20 mA output to the M-2025D Current Loop Interface which provides the tap position to the M-2001 Series Tapchanger Control
Rotation – 0 to 210°, 297°, 306°, 315°, 325°, 330°, 340° and 350° configurations
Degrees per Tap – 9° or 10°
Up to 36 Taps at 10° or 40 Taps at 9°
Neutrals – 1, 2, 3, 5 or 6
Rotation – Tap Position Sensors are available with either a positive or negative rotation. With positive rotation, the shaft of the M-2948 rotates clockwise while raising taps. With negative rotation, the shaft of the M-2948 rotates counter-clockwise while raising taps.