Your needs are varied and you require one thing: dependability. That’s why you trust Lyall.
Main to meter, Lyall supplies utility companies with the products necessary to get the job done safely and efficiently. From Risers and Meter Sets to Mechanical and Transition Fittings, Lyall products are cost-effective without ever compromising on quality. In fact, with our breadth of product and ability to provide custom solutions, "All You Need Is Pipe" and we can supply the rest.
Lyall is honored to be a key supplier to the natural gas distribution market for the past four decades. In that time, we have taken the principal philosophy the company was founded on, “Listening for customers' problems and solving them", and applied this philosophy through a quality control and lean manufacturing process that is second to none. The result is that we have been able to provide the top utilities in the United States with the most comprehensive solutions approach in the industry. We pride ourselves on our ability to translate our customers’ needs into solutions aimed at providing products that increase their quality while reducing their total cost of ownership. These core competencies allow maximum flexibility and provide a tremendous breadth of offerings both standard and fully customized.
Gas Distribution Product Offering
- 1/2 CTS to 1-1/4 IPS gas piping components
- Meter Risers - Anodeless, Transition (Anode), Field Assembled, Service Head Adapter Flex, Compression
- Meter Set Assemblies - Residential, Commercial
- Fittings - Mechanical, Transition, Compression
- Valves - Excess Flow, Polyethylene Ball, Meter Set Bypass
- Fabricated Products - Guard Posts, Rails, Brackets, Support Stakes, Meter Manifolds, Spools and Sub-Assemblies
- Large Fabrication - Pig Launchers & Receivers, Pipeline Farm Taps, Security Vaults, Town Border/Gate Stations, Commercial and Industrial Rotary Meter Sets
- Protective Coatings - Epoxy Fusion Bonded, Epoxy Paint, Polyester Powder Polyester Over Zinc, Aluminum Enriched Urethane, LYCOPro®
- Modular Steel Buildings
- New hire safety orientation and training
- Weekly toolbox safety meetings
- Mandatory forklift, crane and material handling certification
- Regularly scheduled safety audits, KIPs and offsite meetings
- In-house safety teams
- 167,000 square foot dedicated manufacturing footprint within two facilities
- 6 overhead cranes with capacity up to 12.5 tons
- 21’ x 15’ blasting booth
- 50’ x 20’ paint booth
- 2 in-house quality assurance and testing laboratories
- Indoor flatbed loading
- 5,000 gallon re-circulatory pump test fluid system