Catalog ID:
The Quadri*Sil® transmission suspension insulator embodies the latest in polymer insulator design that combines a patented revolutionary four-point sealing system together with electrical grade corrosion resistant direct draw fiberglass rod and proprietary silicone polymer to provide the highest quality, lab tested, and field proven insulator on the market with a high leakage shed profile design for contaminated environments.
Catalog Number
Fitting - Ground End
Fitting - Live Line End
Material - End Fitting
Number of Sheds
Shed Style
Strength Rating - Ultimate
Tensile Strength
Tensile Strength - Routine
Diameter - Shed(s)
Length - Effective
Rod Diameter
Thickness - Housing
Arc Distance - Dry
Creep and Leakage Distance
Flashover Voltage - 60 Hz Dry
Flashover Voltage - 60 Hz Wet
Voltage Rating
Withstand Voltage - 60 Hz Wet
Withstand Voltage - Lightning Impulse (Negative)
Withstand Voltage - Lightning Impulse (Positive)