Experience Utility Connect

Discover the benefits of learning and networking with other utility professionals and find out what they value most about the experience.

Expand your industry knowledge

Explore modern technologies and techniques that are helping utilities prepare for a future filled with new challenges. Gain valuable insights, discover new products, and stay on top of the latest advancements in:

Grid automation

Grid automation

Elevate your existing automated metering infrastructure and accelerate change with sessions on the latest technology. Traverse a range of metering topics and glean actionable insights that will advance your network



Delve into topics on the evolving needs of the grid and explore the latest solutions shaping modern infrastructure. Learn how electric power transmission and distribution is adapting to navigate today's challenges and meet tomorrow's needs.



Discover advancements in substation automation that are critical to grid modernization. Get an inside look at how utilities are increasing reliability with components, communications, and controls that detect faults and better manage the flow of electricity.

Why attend

Attend Utility Connect to stay on top of the latest trends and insights and learn from peers and industry leaders across the utility industry. The conference provides the perfect mix of education, networking opportunities, and inspiring speakers to motivate you and your utility team.

Educational sessions

Our in-depth sessions and inspiring keynotes are packed with expert advice and fresh ideas.

Solutions center

See how our products work and speak with technical experts who are on hand to answer all of your questions. This is the only place you can experience the entire depth and breadth of Hubbell solutions and meet the experts behind them.

Workshops & training

Gain hands-on experience and work through real-world scenarios to advance your skills.

Networking events

Join hundreds of your peers to exchange ideas, forge new partnerships, and discover game-changing innovations.

Immersive conference experiences

Share your Utility Connect experience and build community with others who are passionate about the industry. Expand your reach and create new connections by featuring your journey to explore new solutions and drive positive change!


I've gained so much information in order to keep our system relevant, keep our system maxed out on its efficiency and performance.

Eric Tachell

Idaho Power Company, Technology System Consultant

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