Food Services


Washing Areas

To ensure sanitary conditions, pressure washing areas are required in food processing environments. Strict cleaning and sanitation requirements must be met to ensure that the product is safe for consumer use, but pressure washing and harsh chemicals can damage and shorten the shelf life of electrical products. Selecting the right equipment is critical to avoid downtime while promoting sanitary conditions. All electrical equipment, controls and components should be environmentally classified for the correct application.

Corrosive environments

In highly corrosive food processing environments, materials must constantly combat deterioration. Unprotected electrical products can deteriorate and can fail, creating safety issues, non-confi ables connections and the possibility of lost productivity. Corrosion caused by chemicals, moisture and other elements cannot be eliminated, but the right products can ensure that corrosion does not interfi era with the confi able supply of power.

Extreme temperatures

Food and beverage plants often operate within extreme temperature ranges due to processing equipment such as dryers, ovens and blast freezers. Severe hot and cold zones, along with extreme temperature fluctuations, can add stress to the electrical system. In these environments, failure of electrical components can occur. Expansion and contraction caused by temperature changes can damage electrical devices.

Automation of processes

Improving the capabilities and efi ciency of food processing can help reduce production costs while improving overall productivity. To achieve this, all electrical, instrumentation and automation components must work together efficiently and effectively within process automation. Automation of food and beverage processing requires equipment fl exibility and the ability to reconfi gure quickly and efficiently.

Personnel protection

Food safety is not only important in a food processing environment, but so is the safety of the personnel working in these areas. Employees are subject to the risk of electrical shock due to exposed wiring and tripping and falling wires on the floor. Injuries due to working with aggressive chemicals and in extreme temperatures are also a concern. Commitment to personnel safety requires the right type of electrical components to protect against hazards.

Difficult places

Food processing plants can be classified as hazardous under the National Electrical Code because of the way the materials are handled, processed and stored. Explosion and fire are possible due to the presence of infl ammable gases, vapors and dust. To protect the facilities and employees in the food industry, it is necessary to prevent and contain a potential explosion.