LXi-1200 Electric Fire Pump Controller Across-the-Line



Model LXi-1200 is a combined automatic and manual across-the-line fire pump controller, applied where the capacity of the power source permits full voltage starting of squirrel cage motors. These controllers do not limit the inrush current or starting torque of the motor. To use this type of controller, the power source must be capable of supplying 600% of full load motor current, without dropping the voltage at the input terminals of the controller by more than 15% of the rated voltage.

  • LXi Microprocessor Logic & Control
  • Coordinated design engineered, built, tested and labeled by one manufacturer
  • Suitable for use as service entrance equipment
  • Full compliment of visual indicators
  • Communications port
  • LCD display shows simultaneous reading of all phases for amps and volts, and system pressure
  • Full range of horsepower ratings and voltages
  • Ample cable bending space