MagnifierDC™, Solid State Magnet Controller, 350A, 300 VDC
Up to 4 sets of magnets, each magnet setup selectable via external contacts.
Operate via LIFT/DROP switch, pushbuttons, master switch, or radio control.
Adjust control of voltage and current for the full magnet operating cycle.
Tailor holding current for reduced energy consumption and cooler magnet operation.
Configurable Ethernet connection for customer read-only remote monitoring of all parameters, faults, and operations.
Alarms and trips for Overcurrent (OC) setpoints provide digital protection: (1) instantaneous OC level, (2): regen (dump) system for overvoltage protection, with analog backup in case of CPU failure, includes continuous regen resistor failure monitoring, and the regen circuit is tested prior to every lift.
Up to 6 different control methods for Fanning/Dribble and single plate release (requires filed adjustment and operating pushbuttons or pilot devices, supplied separately.