Sign up for the RCG webinar today!

Thursday, 24 June 2021 9.30am & 3.30pm (BST)

Register now to take part in our upcoming Q&A webinar. It’s your first chance to find out about our brand new Rapid Connection Gland and Coupler, and put your questions directly to our experts: Andy Reid, Matt Ogden and Grant Stott. Sign up today to book your exclusive place.

Meet the Rapid Cable Gland Connector


The 501/RCG Cable Gland combines the features of our marketing leading Cable Gland range with the Plug and Play benefits of a connector. The RCG Coupler allows an installer to extend an existing piece of cable without the need to use a junction box.

The 501/RCG Range is the ultimate hybrid of cable gland and connector

The range offers rapid termination and disconnection in a cost-effective package, which can reduce ownership expenses by decreasing the time it takes to carry out essential inspection, maintenance, repair and overhaul.

  • Reduced Downtime
    Plug and play products allow for much faster connection and disconnect than hard wiring.
  • Reduced Operating Expenses
    Quicker installation, reduced downtime, minimized efforts and lower man hours required mean huge cost benefits.
  • Easily Swap Out Equipment
    Easier to pre-plan installation deployments with more precise hook-up time predictions.
  • Opportunity For Sealed For Life Fittings
    The RCG provides the opportunity to make equipment such as lighting sealed for life.
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