Version | Changes |
Version 4.3.6 (23.06.2017) | - improvement: added error handling for encoding "Date" retrieved from the device.
Version 4.3.5 (22.09.2016) | - bug fix: abnormal curve at the beginning of the sweep which appears sometimes.
- bug fix: occasional big noise at certain frequency point.
Version 4.3.4 (26.08.2016) | - change: some labels in GUI.
- bug fix: wrong initialization in case of 1st hareware version equipped.
Version 4.3.3 (16.03.2016) | - new feature: export / import XML data file conforming to IEC standard.
Version 4.3.2 (10.02.2016) | - bug fix: in some cases, an error occurs during coherence calculation.
Version 4.3.1 (24.07.2015) | - bug fix: an error occurs during SW starting in case printer port is used as PIO.
- improvement: speed up SW starting by keeping PIO type in config file in case no Delcom USB/PIO converter is equipped.
Version 4.3.0 (19.03.2015) | - new: factory calibration can be done on site.
Version 4.2.0 (03.12.2014) | - first release for running on Win7 Embedded Standard.
- works in both WinXP and Win7.
- fixed known bugs.
Version 2.3.3 (09.09.2013) | - new: Sequence template handling, including factroy template file.
Version 2.3.2 (25.06.2013) | - bug fix: DIO lost control in some cases.
Version 2.3.0 (28.08.2012) | - new: UI in unicode, including English & Chinese language files.
Version 2.1.7 (21.07.2011) | - bug fix: Error while reporting in some cases
Version 2.1.6 (01.04.2009) | - bug fix: Software can be started on old CPU board (RB700) without any error message.
Version 2.1.5 (29.01.2009) | - bug fix: Message window hardware not found.
- changes: CSV file:
a. group Data is located before group Setup. b. Source & Receiver included in the title of Data, while the measurement counter is shown in a separated row. c. DUT nameplate information is exported as well.
Version 2.1.2 (07.02.2007) | - new: picture format copied to clipboard can be selected to Bitmap or Metafile.
- new: export to CSV file in Analysis mode.
- new: multi-stage function in settings.
- new: measuring parameter is optimized dynamically.
- new: curve filtering.
- new: Chinese standard DL/T.
- changes: default sweep frequency changed from 10Hz - 5MHz to 20Hz - 2 MHz
- changes: CSV file format
- changes: in analysis mode, both cursors are initialized to the middle of the chart.
- bug fix: file can be loaded from net.
- bug fix: a message pops-up while opening a ReadOnly file.
- bug fix: sequence start while a manual measurement finished if current page is Sequence.
Version 2.0.2 (22.11.2006) | - bug fix: Delete button lost in History tab sheet.
- bug fix: Chart background update in measurement selecting window (for adding curve in the analysis mode).
- bug fix: Smoothing title update in all tab sheets.
Version 2.0.1 (17.11.2006) | - bug fix: range check error in analysis functions.
Version 2.0.0 (16.11.2006) | - change: measurement, analysis and calibration data are saved as binary files in order to reduce the time consumption of saving and loading.
The extensions of filename are defined as: .hfm is for measurement file; .hfa is for analysis file; .hfc is for calibration file. A program FRA5310_Converter.exe is used to convert the files from v1.0 (xml format) to v2.0 (binary format). - new: signal noise checking.
- new: display brightness / contrast adjustment.
Version 1.7.1 (06.11.2006) | - bug fix: the colour of active measuring curve shown in analysis display.
Version 1.7 (19.10.2006) | - new: external tools function, a file ExtTools.cfg is used for storing the tooll's information.
Version 1.6 (17.10.2006) | - new: copy value and insert line functions in sequence configuration.
- new: check the screen resolution while starting, set to 800x600 if it is less.
- bug fix: report in HTML format.
- bug fix: colour of curve in report.
Version 1.5 (05.10.2006) | - new: background of charts can be changed between white and black.
- new: colour of curve can be selected by user.
- new: smoothing function.
- new: measuring sweep mode can be set to Logarithmic or Linear.
- change: impedance and admittance curves for both 50 Ohm and 1M Ohm measurement.
Version 1.1 (17.03.2006) | - new: Manual (pdf) can be open by clicking the button.
- new: Magnitude, Impedance, Admittance or Ratio can be choisen in display and report.
- new: Phase is optional in display and report.
- new: The vertical axis scale of IMPEDANCE, ADMITTANCE and RATIO can be toggled between log and lin.
- new: Output voltage can be reduced when Vpk > 12.5 V (overflowed), and increased afterwards if Vpk < 6 V. Minimum output is 100mV.
- changes: In Calibration.xml, Attributes VRS and VRR are renamed to FS and FR, files with old changes: structure can also be opened.
- changes: The name of report folder is changed to FILENAME_rep_YYMMDD-HHMMSS.
- changes: The path of export file (csv) can be selected, but not saved in INI file. The file name is changed to FILENAME_YYMMDD-HHMMSS.csv.
- changes: New w. Temp. image changed.
- changes: Height of all buttons are changed to 40, except Input Window.
- changes: New StyleSheet: text font changed; also some text.
- changes: SyleSheet for measurement report is changed from RawDataRep.xsl to MeasurementRep.xsl.
- changes: New Folder image changed.
- bug fix: Difference value of phase ranged to +/-180.
- bug fix: input-impedance and zero-cali. of settings in report.
- bug fix: In history page, frequency scale(log or lin) in curve window (mag, imp, adm, rat, pha) are synchronized.
- bug fix: HS3 missing problem.
Version (01.03.2006) | |