Installation Instructions

    • Download the zipped file and extract it on USB memory stick.
    • Insert the memory stick into FRA5310 USB port.
    • We recommend to remove the old version before installing a new one:
      Start / Control Panel / Add or Remove Programs / FRA5310
    • Launch Windows Explorer, and go to the directory where the zipped file extracted.
    • Double click on setup.exe to start installation.

Upgrade from v1.7.1 and earlier




  • Measurement, analysis and factory calibration data files (.xml) saved by application software v1.7.1 and earlier will not be opened by v2.0.0 and later any more.
    • The new extension name for measurement file is .hfm, for analysis file is .hfa.
    • The new factory calibration file name is FRA5210.hfc instead of Calibration.xml.
    • Using FRA5310_Converter to convert the data files from v1.0 (xml format) to v2.0 (binary format).
    • Following files will be handled:
      1. factory calibration file (only for FRA5310 instrument).
      2. all measurement files under folder ...\My Document\HTAG\FRA5310\Measurement\ and its subfolders.
      3. all analysis files under folder ...\My Document\HTAG\FRA5310\Analysis\ and its subfolders.

Operating Instructions (v3.1)

Latest Version

Version 4.3.7
  • improvement in IEC XML file importing.
Unit Version (14.7 MB)
Office Version (14.3 MB)

Previous Versions

Version 4.3.6
  • improvement: added error handling for encoding "Date" retrieved from the device.
Version 4.3.5
  • bug fix: abnormal curve at the beginning of the sweep which appears sometimes.
  • bug fix: occasional big noise at certain frequency point.
Version 4.3.4
  • change: some labels in GUI.
  • bug fix: wrong initialization in case of 1st hareware version equipped.
Version 4.3.3
  • new feature: export / import XML data file conforming to IEC standard.
Version 4.3.2
  • bug fix: in some cases, an error occurs during coherence calculation.
Version 4.3.1
  • bug fix: an error occurs during SW starting in case printer port is used as PIO.
  • improvement: speed up SW starting by keeping PIO type in config file in case no Delcom USB/PIO converter is equipped.
Version 4.3.0
  • new: factory calibration can be done on site.
Version 4.2.0
  • first release for running on Win7 Embedded Standard.
  • works in both WinXP and Win7.
  • fixed known bugs.
Version 2.3.3
  • new: Sequence template handling, including factroy template file.
Version 2.3.2
  • bug fix: DIO lost control in some cases.
Version 2.3.0
  • new: UI in unicode, including English & Chinese language files.
Version 2.1.7
  • bug fix: Error while reporting in some cases
Version 2.1.6
  • bug fix: Software can be started on old CPU board (RB700) without any error message.
Version 2.1.5
  • bug fix: Message window hardware not found.
  • changes: CSV file:
    a. group Data is located before group Setup.
    b. Source & Receiver included in the title of Data, while the measurement counter is shown in a separated row.
    c. DUT nameplate information is exported as well.
Version 2.1.2
  • new: picture format copied to clipboard can be selected to Bitmap or Metafile.
  • new: export to CSV file in Analysis mode.
  • new: multi-stage function in settings.
  • new: measuring parameter is optimized dynamically.
  • new: curve filtering.
  • new: Chinese standard DL/T.
  • changes: default sweep frequency changed from 10Hz - 5MHz to 20Hz - 2 MHz
  • changes: CSV file format
  • changes: in analysis mode, both cursors are initialized to the middle of the chart.
  • bug fix: file can be loaded from net.
  • bug fix: a message pops-up while opening a ReadOnly file.
  • bug fix: sequence start while a manual measurement finished if current page is Sequence.
Version 2.0.2
  • bug fix: Delete button lost in History tab sheet.
  • bug fix: Chart background update in measurement selecting window (for adding curve in the analysis mode).
  • bug fix: Smoothing title update in all tab sheets.
Version 2.0.1
  • bug fix: range check error in analysis functions.
Version 2.0.0
  • change: measurement, analysis and calibration data are saved as binary files in order to reduce the time consumption of saving and loading.
    The extensions of filename are defined as: .hfm is for measurement file; .hfa is for analysis file; .hfc is for calibration file.
    A program FRA5310_Converter.exe is used to convert the files from v1.0 (xml format) to v2.0 (binary format).
  • new: signal noise checking.
  • new: display brightness / contrast adjustment.
Version 1.7.1
  • bug fix: the colour of active measuring curve shown in analysis display.
Version 1.7
  • new: external tools function, a file ExtTools.cfg is used for storing the tooll's information.
Version 1.6
  • new: copy value and insert line functions in sequence configuration.
  • new: check the screen resolution while starting, set to 800x600 if it is less.
  • bug fix: report in HTML format.
  • bug fix: colour of curve in report.
Version 1.5
  • new: background of charts can be changed between white and black.
  • new: colour of curve can be selected by user.
  • new: smoothing function.
  • new: measuring sweep mode can be set to Logarithmic or Linear.
  • change: impedance and admittance curves for both 50 Ohm and 1M Ohm measurement.
Version 1.1
  • new: Manual (pdf) can be open by clicking the button.
  • new: Magnitude, Impedance, Admittance or Ratio can be choisen in display and report.
  • new: Phase is optional in display and report.
  • new: The vertical axis scale of IMPEDANCE, ADMITTANCE and RATIO can be toggled between log and lin.
  • new: Output voltage can be reduced when Vpk > 12.5 V (overflowed), and increased afterwards if Vpk < 6 V. Minimum output is 100mV.
  • changes: In Calibration.xml, Attributes VRS and VRR are renamed to FS and FR, files with old changes: structure can also be opened.
  • changes: The name of report folder is changed to FILENAME_rep_YYMMDD-HHMMSS.
  • changes: The path of export file (csv) can be selected, but not saved in INI file. The file name is changed to FILENAME_YYMMDD-HHMMSS.csv.
  • changes: New w. Temp. image changed.
  • changes: Height of all buttons are changed to 40, except Input Window.
  • changes: New StyleSheet: text font changed; also some text.
  • changes: SyleSheet for measurement report is changed from RawDataRep.xsl to MeasurementRep.xsl.
  • changes: New Folder image changed.
  • bug fix: Difference value of phase ranged to +/-180.
  • bug fix: input-impedance and zero-cali. of settings in report.
  • bug fix: In history page, frequency scale(log or lin) in curve window (mag, imp, adm, rat, pha) are synchronized.
  • bug fix: HS3 missing problem.
  • Initial Version