BURNDY EDI- Electronic Data Interchange (Computer-to-Computer)

What is EDI?

BURNDY provides EDI capabilities which are electronic transactions used to provide efficient exchange of business to business (B2B) information and electronic communication by computers via a value-added network (VAN) or EDI-INT (EDI over the internet)****.

How can EDI help you?

The key to EDI is that it provides the efficient exchange of information between partners to help reduce transactional costs.

Some of the advantages of moving towards EDI are:
     â€˘ Reduce errors in ordering, shipping and receiving
     â€˘ Improve order / invoicing efficiency
     â€˘ Reduce paper / postage and associated costs
     â€˘ Synchronize product and pricing data
     â€˘ Assists with managing / lowering inventory investment
     â€˘ Improve accounts receivable / payable processing
     â€˘ Increase distributor profitability – lowers costs
     â€˘ Enable electronic payments (EFT/ACH)

EDI TransactionURL Link to EDI SpecDescription
810810v4010 OutboundInvoice
820820v4010 InboundPayment-Remit Advice-EFT
844844v4010 InboundRequest for Credit
845845v4010 OutboundPrice Authorization
849849v4010 OutboundResponse to Req. for Credit
850850v4010 InboundPurchase Order
855855v4010 OutboundPO Acknowledgement
856856v4010 Outbound Delivery BasedAdvance Ship Notice - Delivery Based
856856v4010 Outbound Shipment BasedAdvance Ship Notice - Shipment Based
860860v4010 InboundPO Change

How do you begin establishing EDI with BURNDY?

Download and complete the following two documents:

♦ TPA (Trading Partner Agreement) – signed by the REQUESTOR
♦ Trading Partner Profile Superform– completed by the REQUESTOR

Send an email with completed TPA and Superform attachments, along with a request for new EDI implementation to the Hubbell Service Desk at servicedesk@hubbell.com

Confirm that all business agreements, contracts, tax certifications, etc have been completed.

Once the request is received, a "ticket" will be issued for tracking purposes and our IT team will work with you to implement the transactions.

BURNDY supports most B2B transcations in a standard ANSI12 or electro-industry IDEA EDI -Pro stnadards.

***An EDI translator (software application) or EDI tranlator service is required