BURNDY® HYGROUND® is the safest, most cost-effective, time-efficient and easily inspected grounding system available today. A BURNDY® HYGROUND® compression connection can be made in three minutes.


The efficiency and consistency of installing a BURNDY® HYGROUND® compression grid translates to tremendous labor savings.


BURNDY® HYGROUND® helps you keep your entire jobsite on schedule. Compression connections can be made in even the most inclement weather conditions—rain, wind or snow.

Product Offering Table

Product FamilyTypeWire to WireWire to Ground RodWire to RebarWire to BusbarWire TerminationWire to Structural Steel
YGLCross Grid   
YGLRGround Rod to Grid     
YGHPFigure 6   
YGHCFigure C    
YGHHCDouble C-Tap    
YGHRFigure 8     
YGALug (Standard Duty)    
YGHALug (Heavy Duty)    
YGSSplice (Standard Duty)     
YGHSSplice (Heavy Duty)     
YGIBI-Beam Connection     
YG-BBusbar Connector     

Hyground Installation Video

Hyground Brochure