HeliCAP® Software

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Tutorial Videos

Browse the entire video tutorial series

1.1 User Interface Tutorial

Job lists, creating a job profile, and overview of all tabs

1.2 User Load Tutorial

Learn how determine length and number of helix plates needed from a designated load

1.3 Shotgun Tutorial

Explore method of comparing any anchor or pile to determine adjustments needed to length or angle

2.1 Soil Profile Tab Tutorial

Introduction to the Soil Profile Tab including application modes, display depth, and the soil profile input sheet

2.2 Soil Types Tutorial

Basic functionality for the soil types available including mixed soils

2.3 Water Table Depth Tutorial

Demonstrates the basic functionality for the water table depth

2.4 Hammer Efficiency Options Tutorial

Explore hammer efficiency and its effect on the N60 column

2.5 Critical and No Load Zone Depth Tutorial

Learn how and when to adjust critical depth and the no load zone depth below groundline

3.1 Series Tab Tutorial

Demonstrates the basic functionality for the helical anchor/pile series tab

3.2 Inserting a Helical Pile or Anchor Tutorial

Demonstrates the basic functionality for inserting a helical pile or anchor

3.3 Inserting Combo SS/RS Pile Tutorial

Demonstrates the basic functionality for inserting a combo SS-RS Pile

3.4 Inserting Large Diameter RS Piles Tutorial

Demonstrates the basic functionality for inserting a large diameter round shaft helical pile

4.1 Table Tab Tutorial

Demonstrates how to create and read tables

4.2 Capacity Graph Tutorial

Create a plot of capacity vs depth throughout the soil profile featuring both geotechnical and structural capacity

4.3 Torque Graph Tab

Plot and predict installation torque vs depth throughout the soil profile

4.4 Print Tab

Demonstrates report and graph printing options