
Sustainability at Hubbell

Hubbell's commitment to incorporate social responsibility and sustainability initiatives has been a vital part of our business model for years. Our obligations to employees, customers, suppliers and the communities we serve goes well beyond providing products and services: we have the opportunity to improve people's lives and the world around us. With that ambition, however, comes a responsibility to view our core mission through an environment, social and governance (ESG) lens. We believe a focus on ESG and sustainable business not only helps us identify and mitigate risk, but also aids us in uncovering opportunities to drive the superior performance that enables our many stakeholders to thrive.

On this webpage, we aim to demonstrate how we are incorporating sustainability into Hubbell in new, innovative, and systemic ways to create an impact that is broader and deeper than our day-to-day work. We have referenced frameworks such as the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to identify our material ESG issues and key disclosure metrics. We highlight our governance around these ESG issues, articulate the business case for integrating ESG into our strategy, and explain how we are monitoring and measuring our progress in key areas.

Our Commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance Matters

Environmental Stewards

We go to work each day with an acute awareness of energy and resource scarcity – and how we can create improvements through our business operations and our products.

See how we’re contributing to a more efficient, resilient world.

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Our People, Our Communities

We are home to thousands of employees across the world, and we owe respect and support to them and the communities in which we operate.

Learn about the programs we’ve launched to ensure our people and communities thrive.

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Leading with Care and Vision

We are home to thousands of employees across the world, and we owe respect and support to them and the communities in which we operate.

Learn more about how our “One Hubbell Code” serves as a framework for conducting business with the highest levels of integrity.

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