SBCT - Current Transformer - Outdoor Mounted Slip-Over Bushing CT
The outdoor mounted slip-over bushing current transformer (BCT) is self contained and designed to be mounted externally over the high voltage terminal bushing power transformers, power circuit breakers and cable terminators (potheads). In most cases the slip-over BCT, with its ease of installation, is a reliable and economical solution when upgrading system protection and adding additional metering points. When properly installed, the slip-over BCT can be used on higher system voltage levels while maintaining its own mere 600 Volt class rating. Its simple construction provides a low leakage product with virtually unlimited short circuit capabilities, far surpassing its stand alone wound-type counterpart.
This slip-over BCT can be installed on HV bushing XFMRs, HV circuit breakers, and cable terminators. Custom mounting solutions can be provided to ease installation of the molded slip-over style BCT.
Each unit is customed engineered to fit application
Designs can be made to match existing CT characteristics
Dual-core configurations may be possible, same ratings or mixed, with 3kV isolation between coils
Other conduit openings are available - threaded up to 1.5" NPT or non-threaded holes up to 52mm
Designs can be engineered to match existing CT characteristics
Gapped cores for remanence control and transient response
Air core linear couplers
ANSI 70 (sky gray) resin system
Rating Factors: Up to 5.0 @ 30°C Ambient
Metering class: 0.15S thru 2.4 / 0.2S thru 5.0
Burdens: B0.1 thru B1.8 / 2.5 - 45 VA
Available in a variety of winding arrangagements, Single Ratio (SR), Dual Ratio (DR) or Multi Ratio (MR)
NOTE: Sizes and accuracy class depend on current ratio