Reliable Bushing Solutions

Precise Bushing Fixes for Minimal Electrical Arcing

Our high voltage capacitance-graded bushing repairs shorten delivery times for equipment suppliers and ensure adequate insulation between conductors and the ground.

Limited modification during bushing replacement
55% cheaper than new bushings
Repaired and new bushing ship with same warranty
Reliable, safe performance

Bushing Repair Solutions for Safe Electrical Passage

Maintain safe electrical flow and reduce stress with efficient bushing repairs. Recore your aging bushing with POC cores or regasket to safely replace sealed components.

35+ Years of Bushing Repairs

35+ Years of Bushing Repairs

Since 1982, our PCORE® Electric brand has repaired and regasketed bushings in Leroy, NY.

Quick Recoring and Regasketing

Quick Recoring and Regasketing

Dimensions stay the same during our bushing repair process to minimize modifications or adaptations.

Cost-Effective Options

Cost-Effective Options

We reuse and recycle key components to save you up to 55% off the price of a new bushing.

Capacitance-Graded Bushings and Custom Molded Products

We provide capacitance-graded bushings (POC®, PRC®, GSU and Quick-Link), test terminals, and bushing repair services for the electric utility industry and its equipment suppliers.

Get in touch

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