69kV Optical Power Sensor & Sectionalizer

Benefits of Optical Power Sectionalizing

We manufacture accurate, real-time, bi-directional power flow and fault event monitoring technology that enables electrical utilities to efficiently isolate faulted segments and restore non-faulted segments.

Reduced Outage Duration
Improved SAIDA Response
Rapid Isolation and Sectionalizing of Faulted Segments
Secure Fault Detection

Your Complete SCADA Solution

Our optical power package combines sensors, remote terminal unit (RTU) equipment, and motor operators in a single bundle to save time, effort, and project costs.

Outage Response

Outage Response

Limit outage duration, troubleshoot power quality issues, and ensure prompt fault response with our auto-sectionalizing power sensors and operators.

  • Consistent fault detection with real-time bi-directional power flow and fault event monitoring.
  • Isolate faulted segments immediately and restore non-faulted segments.
  • Improve system management to reduce rolling blackouts.
  • Monitor dynamic power flow conditions of DERs with SCADA.
Unmatched Safety and Accuracy

Unmatched Safety and Accuracy

Our 69kV sub-transmission optical sensors and M410 RTU equipment facilitate accurate and safe measurement of bi-directional power flow while meeting the following applications:

  • Fault detection, isolation, sectionalizing, and smart switching.
  • Optical power monitoring with sub-transmission SCADA automation.
  • Renewable integration to comply with environmental regulation.
  • Advanced wildfire risk mitigation.
Innovative Assemblies for Revolutionizing Grid Control

Innovative Assemblies for Revolutionizing Grid Control

Our FlexMO motor operators and USCO/Turner air brake switch assemblies enable rapid isolation and sectionalization of faulted segments.

  • Produces up to 20,000 in-lbs. operating torque to operate 90° in 0.5 seconds, the widest operator capability range on the market.
  • Easily arrange open and close setpoints with integrated position sensor for real time VOP position updates.
  • Enjoy variable speed control and eliminate switch momentum at the end of the cycle.
  • Local/Remote switch automatically locks out when crank handle is inserted.
  • Reliable break switches for any application and installation.

Featured Optical Power Sensors and Operators

Measure bidirectional power flow and report fault events with unmatched accuracy. Our FlexMO motor operator, motor operator, and switch assemblies provide a robust SCADA automated sectionalizing solution for 46-96kV applications.


FlexMO Solid State Motor Operator

The Turner Solid State Motor Operator (FlexMO) elevates motor operation of high voltage switches to the next level. The FlexMO uses state of the art motor control with the widest range of capabilities found in any operator on the market today. Designed with the ability to produce up to 20,000 in-lbs. operating torque and operate 90° in 0.5 seconds, the FlexMO is the perfect stock motor for Transmission, Substation, or Distribution switch applications.

Image of PSC82502201 46kV - 69kV Optical Sensor

46kV - 69kV Optical Sensor

The Hubbell Power Systems® Sub-Transmission Optical Sensor is designed for 46kV to 69kVoverhead sub-transmission system applications. The sensors and RTU equipment measure bidirectional power flow, power quality and report fault events. The state-of-the-art optical design provides unmatched safety and accuracy. The optical sensor can be used standalone for monitoring for faults and power quality or can be used in conjunction with Hubbell’s FlexMO motoroperator and switch assemblies to provide a complete SCADA automated sectionalizing solution.